Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Two Reasons to Celebrate

Today is The Feast of the Epiphany (or Twelfth Night or King's Day or whatever you're fond of calling it). It is where we New Orleanians (and others around the world) take down the Christmas decorations  and celebrate the start of the Carnival season by enjoying a slice of delicious King Cake. By the way, it goes great with a freshly brewed cafe' bustelo.

We will enjoy the festivities, parades, parties, Mardi Gras Balls and the other wonders that come with the season until it all culminates on Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras this year is February the 24th. 

Today is also avery special birthday for our family. On January 6th, 1899, my great-grandfather was born - 110 years ago today. Fidel Francisco Fernández. Our patriarch. He passed away on December 30, 1986, at the age of 87 but has never been forgotten. 

I have fond memories of playing dominoes with him for hours while he enjoyed my company (as well as his tobacco) while occasionally hollering out, "Rosa! Cafe'!" She would bring out his cafe' but never excluded me - I would get a delicious cup of cafe' con leche.

We would play dominoes while he told stories as the days wore on until it was time for me to go home. Half the time he would drop me at the wrong house so my 4-year old self would just put on my back pack and walk home. I knew that if he said it was my house, it WAS my house and there would be no arguing with him. Luckily those were safer times. Walking two houses to the correct one wasn't a big deal.

These are really some of the fondest memories I have from my early childhood. I loved his stories. Or I just loved spending time with him silently playing dominoes. He rarely let me win but I didn't really care. I hadn't quite developed my competitive nature yet.

I've never told anyone but every once in a while I like to pull out the dominoes, brew some bustelo, and just sit at the table playing by myself. It helps me remember. It helps keep the hazy memories of a 4-year old from fading away. I never want to forget. He was my Titi and I was his Pachico.

So here's to you, Titi, wherever you are. Happy Birthday from all of us. I hope your watching over us. We miss you. By the way, I kept your fedora. I didn't think you'd mind :)



1 comment:

Laura said...

mmm yummy looking cake! my mom would die if she saw thiss i dont know if she has