Monday, November 17, 2008

Congratulations to Ray, Ana, Chris and Debbie!!!

This is the email I received from Ray regarding his new twin grandchildren:

"To all my friends and family,

On November 15th at 12:08 and 12:09 PM we welcomed the early arrival of our identical twin girls!!!!!

My daughter-in law, Debbie went through the most difficult and traumatic pregnancy that I have ever witnessed in my entire life. She had a rare syndrome called TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome).

At 5 months she and our son, Chris, were told that the girls were in severe danger and that they suggested to them to terminate the pregnancy. For Debbie and Chris that was not even and option. They were both determined to have these babies come hell or high water.

On 11/09 Debbie started having contractions and a lot of pain, and was rushed to the hospital.
After a week of attempting to stop the contractions, with no success, one of the babies went into serious stress, she had an emergency c- section. The girls weighed in at barely two pounds.
They are about the size of remote control, but perfectly well formed and fighting for their lives.

We were told that one of them was probably not going to make it as she had stopped breathing on her own. They put a tube down her tiny throat to see if would help at all, as a last resort. Low and behold, with the power of prayer and a lot of faith, she opened her little eyes and her lungs kicked back in!!!!!!!

They are both doing much better now and improving every day. They have to stay in the hospital till about January 15th. Debbie will be released from the hospital tomorrow, but plans to visit the girls every single day! Their names are Penelope Grace, and Pricilla Anne, that's why I call them my sweet peas :-)

Please keep them in your prayers as they still could definetly use it! I hope that one day in the near future all of you can meet our little angels, and that you too will feel the joy that we are feeling!

Warm Regards,

Ray and Ana
Chris and Debbie
and The Sweet Peas"

Everyone please keep them in your prayers. What a joyous event to welcome two more members to our family! Let's hope we get to see some pictures soon. - Billy


Rosa said...

Rafa, Ana, Chris, and Debbie,

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am very happy for everyone. I cannot wait to meet the newest members of our family! Penelope and Pricilla...I love their names. I will pray for them and hope that they will continue to improve with each passing day.

My love to all of you! God bless you! Rosa

Laura said...

Aww their names are adorable!